About us

We conduct fraud investigations, integrity investigations and investigations into inappropriate behaviour. Without exception these are issues with major consequences for (the reputation of) an organisation and its employees. Topics that often involve environments that are media-sensitive and which have a (politically) high profile.

About us

About Integis

Integis was established in 2006 as an independent firm in the field of (financial) integrity investigations. We are independent; we have no ‘conflict of interest’ because we are not affiliated with other parties.

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Our team

We are a compact team that has already conducted many major studies. We are passionate professional researchers and advisors. We provide high-quality expertise with a personal approach.

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The course of a forensic investigation is often unpredictable. By informing you regularly you will remain informed of the status and progress of the investigation.

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Click on the button below for a selection of our publications and publications in which Integis employees are involved.